Known for our work in the film industry, we began producing soundtracks and jingles for film projects because our clients preferred unique compositions over stock material.

Today, we also write and produce our own music which reflects our personal experiences and addresses social issues that concern us all.

Our music isn’t confined to a single genre. We firmly believe that different emotions and experiences require distinct musical expressions. This is why we love collaborating with a variety of artists. Our songs take listeners on a journey, immersing them in a unique world of experiences.

In Production

RnB Album

We currently working on a new Rnb album. The album will be released  end of August 2024. However the opening single -Lost in the Shadows- will be available already on August the 1st. This album release also includes a musicvideo.

This bundle will be a feast for all RnB lovers.

Deep, honest and real experiences are processed in these
individual songs. Performed by unique voices,
goosebumps are guaranteed.



You can -Buy- or -Stream- any of our Songs on all major plattforms i.e. Amazon Music, Apple Music, Deezer, iTunes, Instagram, Spotify, TikTok and YouTube Music.

In the Spotlight

Let’s Dance


Limelight is our latest RnB Love song. The song tells a real story!

Verse 1. Met you on a sunny day Had no clue you’d fade away Your voice took my breath But you chose fame instead.

Ashes & Shadows

This is a hard rock song with a deep statement. Nothing for weak nerves but for sure for all Rock lovers.

Verse 1. In the belly of the night, I’m digging deep, Where the demons dwell, Where the angels weep

Entwined Souls

This RnB/Soul single is a personal story about two wonderfull people we met. The story touched us so much, that we produced this song.

Verse 1. In the hustle of life’s game, Two hearts met, never the same. Locked eyes, a spark ignited, Their love story, fate decided.

L E T S  M E E T  F O R  C O F F E E

Germany: Aachener Str. 17, 50674 Köln (Cologne)

Phone: +49 (0) 170 – 822 68 01
